Why More Has Changed in The Channel in The Last 18 Months Than The Past 36 Years

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The devil is in the detail. #JayMcBain, #Forrester’s lead analyst on all things #Channel says that “More has changed in the last 18 months than in the previous 36 years”. Listen to find out what and why.
Jay explains why 96% of MSPs can’t scale beyond 10 people and why 70% of MSP owners are working incredibly long hours for average margins that are barely break-even. We discuss what effect is that having on their businesses, the global trend towards consolidation, recruitment of talent and customer loyalty.
How will the winners in the future of channel have to evolve their business models to stay alive or go the way of the dinosaurs? How are buying patterns changing that materially impact when, where and how vendors can reach them? How will those trends impact the partner eco-system across all 27 industry verticals?
Forrester’s #MarketResearch shows unequivocal trends which you ignore at your peril. 75% of ALL products are sold via the channel today. No later than 2026 we will see 90% of technology sold via the channel. 100% of businesses are in effect becoming technology companies with as much of 60% of all executive roles being occupied with technology. And it’s not just #tech … we’ve seen massive shifts in other industries like #Hospitality, #FMCG, #FinancialServices, #Transport, #ProfessionalServices, #LifeSciences, #SemiConductor, #Manufacturing, #IndustrialChemicals
Jay can be found on Forrester.com or jaymcbain.com

Check out our our earlier conversation on The #FutureOfTheChannel & how it will affect you here

If you are the owner or CEO of a technology company and your goal is to grow your business and achieve real, sustainable hypergrowth with highly engaged and highly productive employees and clients who stick with you year after year, let’s schedule time for a brief conversation.
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