What Happens When you Stop Selling and Start Leading

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Deb Calvert @PeopleFirstPS is best selling author of ” #StopSelling#StartLeading ” and ” #DISCOVERQuestions “, founder and President of People First Productivity Solutions and founder of #TheSalesExpertsChannel
We have a very robust conversation about what good, bad and ugly look like in the area of sales and management questions. #Questioning and #listening are critical skills in sales and leadership that are often butchered by average practitioners. Average questions leave your prospects saying “Meh!” and leave your salespeople confused or no better off. Questions should deliver insight, demonstrate credibility and differentiate you from your rivals. Most are like being savaged by a damp sheep!
Deb and I explore #SalesEnablement vs #SalesEnoblement, a long overdue conversation about #Values and #SellerIntent. Too many golden nuggets to mention here. You’re just going to have to listen.
And then we pronounce a death sentence on sales management mediocrity. If you own or run a business, this section is a must listen. If you think hiring a bad salesperson is expensive, hire a series of bad managers and see how far back that sets your exit plan, your profits and your reputation.
Deb is a sales titan who influences and serves some of the most successful sales organisations and top performers in the world. Smart, savvy and pulls no punches
Check out her profile on #LinkedIn here: linkedin.com/in/debcalvertpeoplefirst
Follow #TheSalesExpertsChannel here: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13500564/

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