The Rise of China Is Inevitable, How You Respond Is Not

Home » Blog » The Rise of China Is Inevitable, How You Respond Is Not

“In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of.” Confucius

If the short, medium and long term economic trends are to be believed, the USA’s empire and economic hegemony are on the decline, whilst simultaneously China’s stars are on the rise. That terrifies many in the West.

But China needs strong global markets to continue its remarkable economic achievement. 60 years ago 96% of China was below the poverty line; today, fewer than 2% are below the poverty line. Whatever your views on their human rights and politics, there is no denying that is a breathtaking accomplishment.

My feeling is we can fight the trend and lose a costly uphill battle. or we can accept the change and embrace the possibilities.  I’d love to hear what you think and how you see ways we can take advantage of this change rather than fearing it and letting it consume our time and energy in a lost cause.

Contact Kathryn if you are planning to export to Eastern Europe, Middle East or China.

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