2 previous guests who are always worth a listen are Patrick Lindqvist and Gary Mitchell. They have extensive experience bringing diverse groups of people together around common purpose and the job to be done.
Lively, unfluffy, pragmatic, we share ideas, join the dots and improve what we can each bring to the debate individually.
Contact Patrick: linkedin.com/in/patricklindqvist
Website: youtube.com/watch?v=rHF4hARZn38&feature=youtu.be (Talk on Change)
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: patlindqvist
Contact Gary: linkedin.com/in/garymitchellgmc
gary-mitchell.com/blog (Blog)
gary-mitchell.com (Company)
hqi-connect.com (Company)
Phone: +44 7939 587 532 (Mobile)
Email: [email protected]