Why You Need to Know What It’s Really Like Being Your Customer

Have you ever wondered what it’s really like to be one of your customers? In the cutthroat world of technology, your customers’ experience can mean the difference between winning or keeping £billions in lifetime customer revenues. Leahanne Hobson and her Vienna based company #AlineaPartners uncover the truth about buying from you. #CustomerExperience goes so much… Continue reading Why You Need to Know What It’s Really Like Being Your Customer

What You Need to Know About The Rise of the Shadow Channel

Jay McBain, lead analyst at Forrester coined the term #ShadowChannel in homage to a trend last decade called shadow IT or rogue IT. You brought your own devices to work and IT Directors had heart attacks. Well, the shadow channel simply refers to non-traditional partners who are becoming a powerful force in the technology market… Continue reading What You Need to Know About The Rise of the Shadow Channel

Learning From Scar Tissue: Confessions of a Channel Sales Street Fighter

Paul Lloyd has been involved in #channelsales for the past 35 years. He’s made a lot of mistakes along the way. Failure is your best teacher – your own and the failures of others. Paul has developed a lot of scar tissue in that time, seen fads come and go and has learned that success… Continue reading Learning From Scar Tissue: Confessions of a Channel Sales Street Fighter

You Listen Your Way To A Sale; You Talk Yourself Out Of It

Barb Giamanco is VP Sales #ECHOListeningIntelligence, author of #TSW #TopSalesWorld #Top50SalesBook2019 #TheNewHandshakeSalesMeetsSocialMedia chats to me about the importance of listening and asking exceptional questionsWe discuss how listening is a catalyst for success in #Sales, #ChannelSales & #Partnerships, #Management and #Recruiting & #Hiring.Barb and I had a very direct conversation about what holds businesses, leaders, managers… Continue reading You Listen Your Way To A Sale; You Talk Yourself Out Of It
