Sales Secrets with Bob Moesta -Mindless Process to Sophisticated Profession Bob Moesta builds products, thousands of successful products. In building products he had to learn to sell them. This is a bring a note pad and pen and listen several times episode. Get Bob’s book #DemandSideSales and discover his sales secrets today. Devour it. He… Continue reading Sales Secrets with Bob Moesta
The Power of the Right Story at the Right Time
Great salespeople are great storytellers. They know when to tell which story and to whom. We’re going to explore the power of a story, the types of story that help you win a new customer, block the competition and keep an existing client, and how a story affects decision making. Broadly there are 2 phases… Continue reading The Power of the Right Story at the Right Time
Chip Doyle: Why Your Attachment is Hurting Your Sales Results
Al Tepper: Disruptive Marketing
Al Tepper is the founder of #TepFu is a master of lazy marketing and self-styled as the Barry White of disruptive marketing. Two portly old geezers discuss the difference between disruption and innovation. Whilst disruption is aligned to innovation, they are different. Innovation is enhancing what already exists whereas doing something completely new is disruption.… Continue reading Al Tepper: Disruptive Marketing
Don’t Try And Get Your Emotional Needs Met On A Sales Call
Brad McDonald was the captain of a nuclear submarine before he retired from the navy and became a salesman. Going from being the master of his own destiny where his word was law, responsible for the lives and security of millions in his hands, to a sweaty handed, gibbering wreck terrified by secretaries giving hem… Continue reading Don’t Try And Get Your Emotional Needs Met On A Sales Call
Antonio Garrido – Your Credibility Comes From The Questions You Ask
Antonio Garrido, author of Asking Questions discusses the power of questions in this lighthearted but not lightweight interview. Plenty of vital information and plenty of laughs. We explore why your credibility comes from the questions you ask not the information that you give. We explain why answering a prospect’s questions actually does you harm and… Continue reading Antonio Garrido – Your Credibility Comes From The Questions You Ask