Selling Financial Services

Veteran of the UK financial services industry, Nick Chisnall, discusses the challenges and future of selling financial services.We pinpoint several common obstacles to success and how to fix them both for advisers and managers. #IFA #IndependentFinancialAdvisor #FinancialServicesSales #ManagingFinancialServicesSales #FinancialServices #WinningMoreSales #WinMoreSales #GrowingYourIFAPractice #TiedAdvisorSales If you are the owner or CEO of a technology company and… Continue reading Selling Financial Services


Practical Application and Execution Of Job To Be Done Theory

2 previous guests who are always worth a listen are Patrick Lindqvist and Gary Mitchell. They have extensive experience bringing diverse groups of people together around common purpose and the job to be done. Lively, unfluffy, pragmatic, we share ideas, join the dots and improve what we can each bring to the debate individually. Contact… Continue reading Practical Application and Execution Of Job To Be Done Theory


How Do Transparent Leaders Thrive In the Best And Worst Of Times?

Todd Caponi, releases The Transparent Sales Leader on 5th July 2022. After the success of his best seller The Transparency Sale, Todd realised the depth of the problem in management when none of the 40 strong management team of a tech firm going through hypergrowth had any management training, including the CRO. We discuss the… Continue reading How Do Transparent Leaders Thrive In the Best And Worst Of Times?
