Why More Has Changed in The Channel in The Last 18 Months Than The Past 36 Years

The devil is in the detail. #JayMcBain, #Forrester’s lead analyst on all things #Channel says that “More has changed in the last 18 months than in the previous 36 years”. Listen to find out what and why.Jay explains why 96% of MSPs can’t scale beyond 10 people and why 70% of MSP owners are working… Continue reading Why More Has Changed in The Channel in The Last 18 Months Than The Past 36 Years


Why Profit is Sanity & Revenue is Vanity: Obligation and Stress

Entrepreneurs! Listen to to my interview with Mike Michalowicz and learn how to liberate yourself from entrepreneurial poverty!• Are you sick of being a cash crop for the taxman?• Are you tired of working stupid hours, building a “successful” business yet you get to keep too little money?• Do you know which traditional business practices… Continue reading Why Profit is Sanity & Revenue is Vanity: Obligation and Stress


Why Zig When Others Zag? A Leadership Tale About Thriving Through Adversity

One thing I know for sure, when nuclear winter descends upon us, two things will survive, coackroaches, and Simon Leslie. Simon is CEO of Ink. Imagine it’s 2019, $150m in profitable revenues, 36 exclusive inflight magazine publishing contracts. Covid hits. Almost all those revenues dried up overnight, and they had to refund customers, so the… Continue reading Why Zig When Others Zag? A Leadership Tale About Thriving Through Adversity


Partner Centric Channel Enablement for Scale Ups

I interviewed Cees Quirijns, co-Founder of #Portland Europe (www.portland.eu) about the channel blindspots, traps, pitfalls and mistakes vendors commonly make that prevent their channel from maximising sales. We explore vendor-partner psychology and the mismatches channel managers need to prevent.We explore the #HypeCycle, #EnablingTechnologies, #ChannelBestPractices, #ChannelPartnerMotivationThis is a very frank, no holds barred interview that is… Continue reading Partner Centric Channel Enablement for Scale Ups
