Why Are Your People Your Greatest Liability

Would it surprise you that the average length of time a company has been breached before a cyber-attack or physical theft happens is 242 days. #JennyRadcliffe is the #PeopleHacker. Her company, #HumanFactorSecurity helps corporates mitigate the single biggest threat to your security. This weak point is responsible for 80-90% of breaches of security in corporates. £millions… Continue reading Why Are Your People Your Greatest Liability


Motivational Management: Coaxing The Best Out of Yourself & Your People

Mike Crandall and I discuss true Motivational Management (Audiobook). None of the ra-ra crap you read about or have to suffer at sales kick-offs when some snake oil salesman tries to get you pumped up and within days you are back to performing like you always have. This is the stuff of championsMotivation comes from… Continue reading Motivational Management: Coaxing The Best Out of Yourself & Your People


Delivering Revenue Certainty With Precise Webinar Marketing

Tom Parker is CMO of Atomley. He and his team eliminate the uncertainty out of marketing one-to-many. We discuss the mechanics, objectives, beliefs and results of putting together a series of webinars intended to build medium to long term pipeline and deep levels of credibility, engagement and intimacy with your audience. We discuss how well… Continue reading Delivering Revenue Certainty With Precise Webinar Marketing


Why More Has Changed in The Channel in The Last 18 Months Than The Past 36 Years

The devil is in the detail. #JayMcBain, #Forrester’s lead analyst on all things #Channel says that “More has changed in the last 18 months than in the previous 36 years”. Listen to find out what and why.Jay explains why 96% of MSPs can’t scale beyond 10 people and why 70% of MSP owners are working… Continue reading Why More Has Changed in The Channel in The Last 18 Months Than The Past 36 Years


Why Profit is Sanity & Revenue is Vanity: Obligation and Stress

Entrepreneurs! Listen to to my interview with Mike Michalowicz and learn how to liberate yourself from entrepreneurial poverty!• Are you sick of being a cash crop for the taxman?• Are you tired of working stupid hours, building a “successful” business yet you get to keep too little money?• Do you know which traditional business practices… Continue reading Why Profit is Sanity & Revenue is Vanity: Obligation and Stress
