Are You Herding Cats? The Truth About Enterprise Selling

Best selling author of one of the Top 50 Selling Books of ALL Time (according to Top Sales World Magazine), #SandlerEnterpriseSelling (published by #McGrawHill, #BrianSullivan chats to me about his 30+ year career in big ticket, complex sales and sales management. We chart his journey from #XeroxCorporation to #CapGemini and now as VP of Sandler Enterprise… Continue reading Are You Herding Cats? The Truth About Enterprise Selling


Damn Yourself By Learning Lessons From History: Excellent Basics

Ian Cartwright, author of The 6 Fundamentals of Sales Know how, chats to me about doing the basics, well, consistently, over time and meaning it. Lively discussion that serves to remind you of what probably got you going on the road to success, before you learned to get in your own way To listen… Continue reading Damn Yourself By Learning Lessons From History: Excellent Basics


Double the Money For Half The Work: Why Sell Cold When You Can Sell Hot?

“The economics of cold prospecting is insane. Keep in mind that the data shows the biggest deals come from a salesperson’s 3rd generation network. Why make thousands of cold calls to strangers? The outcome you want is a strong book of loyal, profitable customers for life. The bank doesn’t care how you get there. Building… Continue reading Double the Money For Half The Work: Why Sell Cold When You Can Sell Hot?


The Unapologetic Saleswoman: Why Women Make Great Salespeople

Fewer than 12% of sales leadership positions are held by women. I interview #LorraineFerguson author of #TheUnapologeticSaleswoman where she explores why women can make a great career in sales. Sales offers high income potential with flexibility, the ability to carve out your own path and to advance on your own merit.Historically there have been many… Continue reading The Unapologetic Saleswoman: Why Women Make Great Salespeople


How Do You Make Churn A Bad Memory?

“If you look after your customers you can almost eliminate  unintended churn, win customers for life and drive net revenue retention”, says Markus Rentsch, founder of Remark-able and a lonely voice of sanity, advocating relentlessly for the customer. Cost of customer acquisition has risen by 60-75% in the past few years. Investors are focusing on… Continue reading How Do You Make Churn A Bad Memory?
