What is the #1 Mistake Every Bad Sales Manger Makes

Bill Bartlett is #bestsellingauthor of #TheSalesCoachsPlaybook – unleashing the performance code and #DavidHSandler #AwardWinnerI had the privilege of interviewing Bill Bartlett about #salescoachingbestpractice. We explore the 7 step Sandler coaching process, 3 power of the 3 P’s (permission, potency and protection)discuss in detail:• #Hiring• #Onboarding• #IndividualPerformanceDevelopment• #KPI’s• #Skills• #Behaviour #Behavior• #Technique• #Motivation• #Attitude• #Headtrash #LimitingBeliefs… Continue reading What is the #1 Mistake Every Bad Sales Manger Makes


Coach For Results: Metrics Are Not A Motivator

“Prospecting is an opportunity to have a profound engagement on both sides”, says Denis Champagne, former multidisciplinary international sportsman, practicing Buddhist and founder of #LotusCommunications. Having made hundreds of thousands of #coldcalls, Denis is more qualified than most to talk on the subject. Prospecting by phone is alive and well. Companies buy sales training to… Continue reading Coach For Results: Metrics Are Not A Motivator


9 Things You Misunderstood About Motivation, Mindset & Mindfulness

Firewalker, glasswalker, influencer and coach, Lottie Moore chats to me about the myths and facts around motivation and mindset A lot of crap is bandied around about motivation. The fact is, real motivation is intrinsic (i.e. internally generated) and cannot be imposed, beaten into someone, bribed, bullied or cajoled. At best you will achieve a short term… Continue reading 9 Things You Misunderstood About Motivation, Mindset & Mindfulness
