A Deep Dive Into Hiring Right, First Time, Every Time

Are you hiring badly, repeatedly? Are you finding hiring reliable, consistent sales producers, tough? Join me and my guest Alan Fendrich, founder of AHS, Advanced Hiring Systems. We both take a robust approach to attraction of candidates, their rigorous qualification building around core values and beliefs. Discover why experience is almost never a real obstacle… Continue reading A Deep Dive Into Hiring Right, First Time, Every Time


How Do You Thrive In A Hybrid Selling World?

What is #HybridSelling? Why should you care? How should we be defining hybrid selling? How does the E.V.O.L.V.E. framework help you to focus on your highest value activities? Fred Copestake, founder of Brindis, a growth consultancy, has made his #HybridSellingHealthCheck available for free here https://hybridselling.scoreapp.com/ . How do you stack up? Fred’s new book, “Hybrid… Continue reading How Do You Thrive In A Hybrid Selling World?


Is This Quarter REALLY More Important Than Every Subsequent Quarter?

Andy Champion is a breath of fresh air in tech sales leadership. Have a listen to understand why. He’s not alone. I have been fortunate enough to meet several through #TheInquisitorPodcast. Andy, and leaders like Tom Schodorf, Tom Castley, Gerry Hill, Andy Shaw, Mark Herbert, all carry an air of calm. They exude an air… Continue reading Is This Quarter REALLY More Important Than Every Subsequent Quarter?
