Make Money Using LinkedIn

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Christine Hueber has one of the most visited profiles on LinkedIn. She is an internationally recognised LinkedIn coach and trainer. Christine discusses the importance of having a powerful profile, using the platform effectively to drive connection, engagement and build your sales pipeline
Social selling is a must for anyone involved in new business development, scaling up their business or considering ways to revitalise their sales pipeline. Christine gives simple advice on steps you can take today to build your network, find prospects and have them invite you to engage to discuss their problems.
I apologise for the sound quality in a couple of areas. I had problems with the sound tracks merging at odd times. If you listen carefully you can hear Christine’s sage advice and it is worth listening to and putting into action
If you are the owner or CEO of a technology company and your goal is to grow your business and achieve real, sustainable hypergrowth with highly engaged and highly productive employees and clients who stick with you year after year, let’s schedule time for a brief conversation.
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