Kieron Bain

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Kieron Bain: Does your proposition tickle your customer’s fancy

Without a clear proposition, any business will struggle to attract the right type of customers consistently. Their salespeople will stumble and their marketing will fall flat. “So few companies have a clear proposition,” says Kieron Bain co-founder of #Sold, “they confuse potential buyers and leave a fortune on the table”. They’re unable to explain it in 30 seconds let alone a few words.

Ambiguity in your proposition will drive good customers into the arms of your competition and attract the wrong type of customers. You know what the costs and pain of taking on the wrong customers, so stop, take moment and ask yourself, “What do my customers think I do for them?” Ask What How and then Why.

Is that what you want to do for them?
Could you be doing more?
Are you playing to your strengths or taking what’s given to you?

Kieron and I have a lively conversation about your message, how to make it tight and precise so it fascinates your idea buyers. Make it consistent. And make sure visitors to your website can articulate it?

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