Mike Adams is best-selling author of “7 Stories Every Salesperson Must Tell”. Mike has gone from zero to hero in 4 completely new vertical markets selling both complex and commoditised products and services internationally using the power of 7 stories.
Human beings can’t tear away their attention from a good story and Mike explains why and how to craft a good business story for the 7 key functions:
1 Personal
2 Key Staff
3 Company
4 Insight
5 Success
6 Values
7 Teaching
He coaches me through the process of developing my own customer success story to demonstrate how to build a powerful story for yourself. Experience has taught me that good stories help salespeople shortcut the need to demonstrate products or services, do presentations, write proposals by helping their prospects take care of their concerns in their own imaginations.
Sandler Rule:
• “The best presentation you ever do, your prospect will never see”
A good story helps the listener see and experience themselves in the role of the key characters with the salesperson as their guide. When that happens, the story becomes their own data and prospects never argue with their own data. By helping your prospect experience owning or using your products and services in their imagination, you help them feel as if they are already your customer, you inoculate them against making the mistakes or creating the conditions for stalls and objections, internal resistance or approaching the internal sale badly that can cause a deal to die on the vine. Stories position you as an expert, rehearse your sponsors on how to navigate their own organisation, help you neutralise resistance and turn adversaries into allies.
Have a listen. See how you can develop your own stories whether for your direct sales team, your customer success team, or your channel.
Mike’s book, 7 Stories Every Salesperson Must Tell, is available on Amazon and Audible.
How To Unlock Channel & Sales Success With 7 Stories