How To Stop Your Corporate Sales Training From Failing

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Bill Morrison, Managing Director of #SandlerCorporateAccounts EMEA explains why #CorporateSalesTraining fails and what to do to ensure you get buy-in & sustainability from the #SalesTeam. We discuss the importance of #training managers so that they can reinforce the learning and turn the new behaviours into habits and what happens if you ignore this critical aspect of training.
Drawing on real world experience we discuss the importance of involving the overall P&L owner, the owner of the sales number and HR/L&D to ensure that your training programme delivers the results you want from your investment. Many training programmes fail because they aren’t reinforced and Bill explains how the real value of training happens in away from the spotlight of the classroom.
We explain the 4 different roles of management and why ignoring any one of them can prove fatal to the success of your training investment.
Bill and Marcus have nearly 7 decades of real world scar tissue in direct, enterprise and channel sales. They’ve trained tens of thousands of salespeople and teams and have contributed to over £12bn in sales. Both are seasoned salespeople who train practical sales behaviours, attitudes and techniques, not trainers who teach selling.
If you are considering training your salesforce and you already have a sales methodology like #Challenger #MillerHeiman, #SPIN, #MEDDIC, #Sandler enhances what these companies offer.
Bill can be contacted on +41 21 802 3117 or via email on [email protected] or [email protected]

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