How To Scale By Upsetting The Status Quo

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David Sloly is an award winning marketer who has helped build some of the world’s largest and most successful channels. Story teller, best selling author, journalist, broadcaster, accidental creative director and marketing automation expert, David discusses how he helped Microsoft grow sign ups and engagement with their partner network of 25,000 partners and rescue a failing channel partner portal.
We discuss the mistakes most companies make in their aborted attempts to create dialogue with their audience and establish trust & relevance because they market selfishly, focus on the wrong end of the problem and insist on talking about what matters to them not their customers. We dig into why emotion is more powerful than reason and logic in sales and in marketing to drive new behaviour and encourage decisions from buyers.
He introduces an elegantly simple technique for creating powerful ideas that have helped him help his clients to scale massively, fast and without the wheels falling off.
David is co-founder of HarveyDavid, the marketing automation consultancy

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Why You Need A Business Story And How To Create It The Eloqua Mindset: Conversations with Successful Marketers Who Are Realising the Potential of Marketing  Mash-up!: How to Use Your Multiple Skills to Give You an Edge, Make Money and Be Happier
Zoom!: The faster way to make your business idea happen (Financial Times Series)
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