How Are You Wasting Growth Opportunities?

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Hilmon Sorey, co-Founder of #ClozeLoop, co-developer of #TriangleSelling and co-author of #TheSalesEnablementPlayBook,#SalesPlaybooks: The Builder’s Toolkit, #SalesDevelopment chats to me about his experience working with series- A, B, C and D technology scale ups and the horrific acts of idiocy and self-sabotage he’s seen repeated that are wasting growth opportunities.
Learn from the depressingly deep scar-tissue Hilmon and I have earned over the past 3 decades, serving scale up founders and CEOs, building their teams, helping them achieve exits to cash out like bandits or to crash and burn into anonymity and poverty.
Learn from the mistakes we have seen countless founders make with poor planning, failure to implement a joined up marketing, business development, sales, account management, customer success, customer service experience. Bringing costly business in through the front door, only to let it out the back door is STUPID but some many companies focus on new business and don’t focus on retention.
We’ve seen founders and investors focus on new business and land grabbing new customers instead of building their business on the principle that they’re in business to make a profit and then scratch their heads when things go tits up. Sure there’s a well trodden model that says you can do that but it creates bubbles and is onanistic and short sighted.
We’ve heard founders who said “If only we could kick sales into touch and focus on product development. then we could create a great product and people would come knocking at our door in their droves!” Bulls**t!
We have seen some really crazy things go on with channel partners – some suffer from premature channelisation, and others come too late to the channel (no groaning at the innuendo please)
Hilmon and I pull no punches. We slag off the parasites sucking the lifeblood around scale ups. He’s much nicer about them than I am but I know he feels the same level of abhorrence I do towards the bad recruitment practices and bad recruitment practitioners.
A fun, lively interview and I am very much looking forward to interviewing him again on some more contentious subjects.
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