GTM Ecosystems: Learn Why They’re A Force Multiplier For Sales Growth

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You are in for a treat. My guest is Majid Zafer. He’s one of the next generation of business leaders that is ambitious, competitive and love to win but without the sting in the tail.

Listen to how he has created an ecosystem of trusted partners which produces a steady flow of hot, inbound customers for his business and his partners’ businesses. There is a healthy volume of reciprocation which means that a good proportion of everyone’s business comes from within the ecosystem.

This creates intimacy and high performance standards between partner; clients value the relationship for the steady stream of disruptive thinking, innovative ideas and insightful discussion. They feel safer having Majid on their buying journey than they do without him. And he is OK whether they buy from him or not. His philosophy is that his role is to help the customer reach the best decision for themselves, for now and the future, whether they buy from him or not. When you learn about the volume of sales generated you might start questioning whether if makes sense to worry so much about the competition, and start wondering “What if we work together?”

Majid’s selflessness gives him the right to engage in high support/high challenge relationships with customers and partners alike. They know he only has their best interests at heart and every senior buyer wants someone as a reliable sanity and vanity check. That is a beautiful place to earn for yourself, as your customer’s ally, and a true partner.

An inspiring and uplifting episode because the formula is simple. Executing it is harder because you have to overcome your fundamental greed, selfishness, entitlement, attachment and fragile ego. But as my pal Keith says, “Ee-by-gum, but it’s worth it!.

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