Marcus wins Gold for TheInquisitor Podcast

Marcus cauchi wins gold award for the_inquisitor podcast
Home » Blog » Marcus wins Gold for TheInquisitor Podcast

My sincere thanks to all of my guests and our listeners at TheInquisitor Podcast which won the * GOLD award * for the #BestSalesPodcast2021 at Top Sales World.

Thanks to the judges and team at #TSW. Please take a moment to remember our friend Jonathan Farrington whom we lost in 2021.

Finally, I’m very grateful to Suzanne Cauchi for funding the podcast and also Alex Nicolic for editing as fast as I can produce them.

How did TheInquisitor Podcast win gold?

I have learned so much in the past 2 years from our guests as I’m sure so many of you have too. You taught me all that I am now able to conceive of, which would have been impossible for me only 2 years ago. In addition, I know many of our listeners feel the same way, tapping into the treasure trove of over 4000 years of our collective experience.

The best question ever is who?

  • Who’s done this before?
  • Who knows?
  • Who is the world’s best?

Then ask them what they do …

Let’s capitalise on winning the gold award and raise the clarion call to make 2023 the year we laid the foundations for Sales: A Force For Good. “Selling should be the most noble thing you do in your business”, says Simon Bowen, and he’s right. The podcast is all about exposing us to the truth behind the ugly mirror and offer better alternatives for a better future.

Moreover let’s make 2023 the #YearOfTheCustomer and make #BuyerSafety central to how we think, what we do and say.

What do you want from theinquisitor podcast?

Who would you like me to interview as a guest?
What topics do you want tackled?
How can I improve the show?
Would you make a great guest?
Do you have questions you want answered?
Who have been your favourite guests? (@tag them to show your appreciation)
Which are your fav episodes?

If you haven’t done so yet, please pop across to Apple podcasts – and subscribe and/or leave a review. Why do you listen to 2-12 episodes a month?

Please @tag a friend and share the links