Double the Money For Half The Work: Why Sell Cold When You Can Sell Hot?

Home » Blog » Double the Money For Half The Work: Why Sell Cold When You Can Sell Hot?

“The economics of cold prospecting is insane. Keep in mind that the data shows the biggest deals come from a salesperson’s 3rd generation network. Why make thousands of cold calls to strangers? The outcome you want is a strong book of loyal, profitable customers for life. The bank doesn’t care how you get there. Building your pipeline through referrals and hot personal introductions delivers you an outcome is between 3x and 18x better than if you went in cold. On your deathbed I doubt you’ll be complaining you spent too little time on voicemail, being told to f*** off or getting dead and wrong numbers. Fair?”

Marcus Cauchi is interviewed by John Robinson about his blended approach to generating hot, personal introductions. How can you build referrals systematically and predictably? How do you ask for referrals so you receive them and no one feels icky?


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