Tamara McMillen: What Diversity Isn’t

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What Diversity Isn’t

And what’s good about it

Tamara McMillen is a sales leader with successful operational and private equity experience. Gifted at both, Tamara helps you glimpse past the emotional fog that the topics of diversity, equity and inclusion evoke.


We seek to explain why diversity of thought is critical in a healthy, and sustainably profitable organisation. You learn by rubbing against people and opinions you disagree with.

Tamara is a strident advocate for her people, for giving them permission to fail, to dissent and also to think for themselves. Consequently her style of leadership develops leaders not followers. Her approach creates a very different type of salesperson and sales experience for buyers. She discusses how you build, empower, equip and lead a truly diverse team too. It’s not easy but the rewards are massive and leaders require the humility to be vulnerable, to encourage dissent, and leave their egos behind.