Dealing With Difficult People

Amy Woodall
Home » Blog » Dealing With Difficult People

You can tell people to go to Hell and if you tell them in the right way they’ll say “That sounds like a nice place at this time of year”
How do you define someone as a “difficult person”? How does your perception affect your judgement of a person who is upset or picking a fight with you?
In this interview, Amy Woodall, EVP at #SandlerTrustpointe discusses practical, real world tactics you can use every day to neutralise hostile situations, achieving agreement & commitment, even without having consensus.
She teaches you to take control of difficult situations, achieve a satisfactory outcome & retain customers even when they are angry or threatening to leave for a competitor We explore the psychology behind conflict & your reaction to it. She offers tips & tactics on dealing with your own feelings when confronting a difficult person so you stay calm & in control.
We discuss why people get upset, the psychology beneath their behaviour & how you can overcome your own triggers & harmful scripting We explore how you can raise the quality of customer complaint management to drive sales & customer retention
Amy recommended the book “A Complaint is a Gift” by Janelle Barlow 

To listen to this podcast in full, click here
