Martin Ellis: Are you showing up with dirt in your engine

Home » Blog » Martin Ellis: Are you showing up with dirt in your engine

Martin Ellis is not your average recruiter. He came to the industry late in life after having built businesses, led teams and seen what doesn’t work. Grizzled, no frills but plenty of finesse Martin is sharp minded, humane, empathetic and someone his clients trust to always tell them the truth whether they want to hear it or not. Listen if you are keen to improve as a leader, a manager or a candidate seeking a new role where you can flourish, have a listen. We explore how to headhunt your next boss, improve the quality of your relationships, advance your questioning and focus on creating buyer safety. We explore how to walk the tightrope between doing what is right for your customer, meeting quota, keeping your bosses happy and fitting in with the culture of the company.

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