Are You Herding Cats? The Truth About Enterprise Selling

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Best selling author of one of the Top 50 Selling Books of ALL Time (according to Top Sales World Magazine), #SandlerEnterpriseSelling (published by #McGrawHill, #BrianSullivan chats to me about his 30+ year career in big ticket, complex sales and sales management. We chart his journey from #XeroxCorporation to #CapGemini and now as VP of Sandler Enterprise Selling (#SES) at #Sandler.
We discuss a number of simple, practical tools that Brian has designed to help enterprise, transactional and channel salespeople:
• Sell more
• Sell more often
• To more buyers
• For more money
• And get out of deals they can’t win, fast
I’m a huge fan of these tools because unlike the tools I was given earlier in my career these take a fraction of the time to complete. They have been designed by salespeople for salespeople to help us do our job instead of being designed by audit for audit purposes. No 3-day off site meetings to complete blue sheets, green sheets or pink sheets that gather dust in the boot of your car.
We explore the hidden cost of sales in enterprise selling and why it’s imperative to know what’s real and what isn’t quickly, to prioritise your scarce and expensive resources on deals you should, can and will win and get out of the others as quickly as possible.
Enterprise selling is 90% project management and 10% selling. The best enterprise salespeople are like generals, making sure the right people on your team are having the right conversations with the right people on the buying side at the right time in the right way.
They make it all about the customer. Brian is a master at making you feel like nothing and no one else matters because he delivers his full attention to you when you’re in the conversation. His system and tools liberate you to focus on being fully present, to put the customer at the heart of everything you do. And the results speak for themselves.

To listen to this podcast in full, click here
