Antonio Garrido – Your Credibility Comes From The Questions You Ask

Antonio garrido author of mydailyleadership journalling for success
Home » Blog » Antonio Garrido – Your Credibility Comes From The Questions You Ask

Antonio Garrido, author of Asking Questions discusses the power of questions in this lighthearted but not lightweight interview. Plenty of vital information and plenty of laughs.

We explore why your credibility comes from the questions you ask not the information that you give. We explain why answering a prospect’s questions actually does you harm and does your prospect a massive disservice. We share stories about how we have failed and messed up and how our scar tissue has made us better salespeople, better managers and better people.
We explore the psychological underpinnings of the #SandlerSellingSystem and how it is rooted in biology and evolution. Trust me, you are NOT good enough to override 300 million years of evolutionary hard wiring. When you understand how the brain works, how people make decisions, you realise that you can stop making effort to convince people to buy.
My motto in life and business is do less but better on purpose. Actually, it’s double the money for half the work! If you follow the advice in this podcast and read Antonio’s book, you will make more money and have the option to spend FAR LESS TIME at work.

Buy Antonio’s book ‘Asking Questions’

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