Active Listening Losing You Sales with Beshlie Donaldson

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What if Your Attempts at Active Listening Are Damaging Your Credibility and Losing you Sales?

Wednesday Feb 22, 2023

“Active listening is the enemy of deep listening”, says Beshlie Donaldson. She is a deep listening coach who I met when she was a headhunter many moons, 2 businesses and she balanced all that whilst raising boy twins! Superwoman? Perhaps, but more than that Beshlie helps you hear yourself. It is a profound experience. We explore, what is deep listening, why it isn’t active listening and we dig into why active listening can go wrong and it so often does without the salesperson realising. 

We took a bit of a risk on this show because rather than just talk about it, we wanted you to witness someone experiencing deep listening. I admit, it doesn’t make a great spectator sport. We did it so you could see how deep listening works in action. No one was hurt in the making of the show and the subject, me, was a willing volunteer. If you were ever curious to take a peek into the workings of my mind, here’s your chance.

Is this helpful? I’m open to criticism as I still don’t really know what I’m doing and the show is an ongoing experiment. Let me know what you think. 

I urge you to contact Beshlie if you want to break through your roadblocks, your self-concept is taking a bit of a knock or you are at a cross roads and have conflicting opinions and fears about the decision you’re facing. I found this and the subsequent sessions revealing in ways I know I couldn’t have readily got to without her gentle help. She’s on LinkedIn at


Phone: +44 (0) 7540742001 (Mobile)

Email: [email protected]

When you book, you’ll get some prep work. You won’t have all the answers. That’s normal. Do your best. 


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