13 Remarkable Ways To Get Lucky With Your Content

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“Your Press Release is Breaking My Heart” is Janet Murray’s warning shot across your bows about the dangers of producing bad, unremarkable, selfish content if you want to capture the attention of journalists to promote your business
The past, present & future walked into a bar … it was tense!
• Do your headlines leave your target audience scrolling on past you to your competition?
• Are you producing content that is the equivalent of showing strangers photos of your ugly kids or holiday snaps?
• Is your LinkedIn content strategy “Fire, aim, ready?”
• Why aren’t you generating business from LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or YouTube?

JanetMurray @jan_murray #contentmarketingexpert, is a former journalist turned poacher. She helps business owners, coaches, consultants and trainers cut through the wall of noise surrounding their target market to speak directly to their prospective clients and stand apart from their competition.

Most content produced by small business is excruciatingly bland and unremarkable. You’ve probably ignored hundreds of attempts at securing your attention today alone. Why?
Because your content needs to be relevant, timely and enter the conversations your prospects are already having or you’ll find yourself in the wilderness on social media, your emails will end up being deleted or sent to spam, and your hard won email list will dwindle as demand for their attention deserts you.
I asked Janet, what makes a great story that will grab the attention of journalists? And what turns them off? What is the best medium to get through to them? How can tiny tweaks to your social media profiles make all the difference in your being found?
We explore how to build your online audience, the right ways and the wrong way to build a paying audience, some simple steps you can take to rank more highly in the search engines. And we discuss the most obvious way to understand what your audience is hungry for … but you probably aren’t doing.
We discuss email sequencing and why some platforms don’t work … for you … and why you are likely to be the problem
An engaging, content rich interview, packed with real world experience and tips you can put into practice immediately.
Contact Janet via her website www.janetmurray.co.uk or connect with her on LinkedIn

To listen to this podcast in full, click here
